Friday, January 14, 2011

How to catch an iPhone Thief via Email bcc (tech, news, report, Apple, iPad, Auckland)

If you're looking to protect your iPhone from thefts, then look no further than what one 64 year old iPhone owner has done — which allowed him to find his stolen iPhone.  Note:  picture is not my creation and forwarded by an unknown contributor.  If you are a crook and look like faces on the picture, do not blame any one. Go home and blame your parents.

His anti-theft solution was both simple and ingenious at the same time; the person has simply set up his e-mail address to be Blind Carbon Copied on all outgoing e-mails from his iPhone.

And, after his iPhone got stolen, he received some BCC's of e-mails of someone e-mailing photos of himself — using the stolen iPhone– sent to the person's friends.

The recipients of those e-mails were e-mailed, asked who was the one that sent them those photos, and warned that police would be involved next.  Miraculously (or not), the missing iPhone was returned the next day…

If you have been ripped off, text our hotline at (021) 117-222 and we shall do our best to help you out to get justice done.  Get latest
update on iPhone rip off via facebook, join our online user group and follow us on our twitter. Cheers!

This post is sponsored by:
Professional Apple iPhone 4G Repair and Unlocking
Mobile: (021) 264-0000

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