Friday, January 7, 2011

Mobile Phone Repair, Auckland. 8-1-2011

weekend lunch meeting with main dude of the leading insurance company at KFC, Auckland, New Zealand. We discussed about insurance claimed for mobile phone repair, Goigle Android network unlocking and the recents victims who had their iPhone 4G damaged by a deranged person in Auckland Central. According to the victims, that semi-pro's operating premises looks like a $2 Shop with heaps if junk displayed (trying to impress unknowing victims?)
Time is running out for this con and the victims wish that he will rot in jail. What a sad story, a loser trying to hurt, cheat people who trusted him and cheating innocent Kiwi iPhine 4 users.
They say when this matter is in court, many will be surprise how many phone retailers will be shocked to be associated with this crook. His do call "success rate" if iphone repair us below 5%. He kill or swap motherboards or expensive parts on the 95% of it! Go figure out!

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Sent from iPhone 3GS

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