Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The man who sued the Guinness Book of Records over 'most lawsuits' claim

A man who keeps suing people is suing the Guinness Book of World Recordsfor saying that he's sued the most people ever. Jonathan Lee Riches is thought to have filed over 4,000 lawsuits around the world against various people, entities, objects and concepts.
In a boldly ironic move, he has now filed a lawsuit against the Guinness Book of World Records, hoping to get an injunction against them naming him as the world's most litigious man in their 2010 edition. 'The Guinness Book ofWorld Records has no right to publish my work, my legal masterpieces,' he says in the legal filing. He is also unhappy about the nicknames they apparently plan to ascribe to him, including 'Sue-per-man', 'the duke of lawsuits' and 'Johnny Sue-nami'. Previous targets of his legal ire have included George W. Bush, Che Guevara, Perez Hilton, the Eiffel Tower, Britney Spears, Adolf Hitler's Nazi party, Google, the Roman Empire, The Queen, the Magna Carta, the Wu-Tang Clan, Plato, Emilio Estevez and Nordic Gods.

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