Friday, January 7, 2011

Sat, 8th January 2011 -- What a beautiful day in Mt Roskill, Auckland and windy too. Skippy, our pet is getting ready to go the park to soak in the sun. There will be a meeting of iPhone user group in Auckland Domain this afternoon. A handful of angry victims us comparing notes and planning the next move ti file a group report to the media and authorities soon. These iPhone 4G users had been screwed when they fell victim to a crook in Auckland Central to have their iPhone repaired. Most if their motherboard had been swapped or their iPhone 4G killed. They say that crook looks like an AIDS carrier, has skin over the bones only with evil beady little eyes. Hope the picture will be shown in NZ Herald.
If you read this, please search on the net, on Facebook, forums to join the victim support groups. Any ideas, thoughts, legal advice will really help to nail this sickening crook and put him in jail soon.
We cannot imagine how low can a person get to rip off innocent customers in Auckland, New Zealand.

Sent from iPhone 3GS
Mobile (021) 117-2222

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